Showing 31 to 40 of 40 Results
Type Title Date of Publication Author(s)sort descending Organization(s)
Global Capital, Local Concessions: A Data-Driven Examination of Land Tenure Risk and Industrial Concessions in Emerging Market Economies Jul 2016 Ramon de Leon, Tin Garcia, Gordon Kummel, Lou... The Munden Project, Rights and Resources...
Growing out of Poverty with Potato Aug 2015 Rene Van Rensen Facility for Sustainable Entrepreneurship and...
Smallholder perspectives and decisions about technology adoption in agro-ecological zones and farming systems of Cambodia Sep 2015 Robert Farquharson, Brian Cook ACIAR, University of Melbourne
Developing new assessment and policy frameworks for Indonesia’s marine fisheries, including the control and management of Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) fishing May 2013 Ron West, Cathy Dichmont, Purwanto, Agus Budhiman ACIAR, Indonesian Research Centre for Fisheries...
Sustainable smallholder agriculture - feeding the world, protecting the planet Feb 2012 Rosemary Vargas-Lundius IFAD
Soybean: A Guide to Upland Cropping in Cambodia 2011 Stephanie Belfield, Christine Brown, Robert Martin ACIAR
Agribusiness Public-Private Partnership - A country report of Indonesia 2013 Trina Fizzanty, Muhammad Masyhuri FAO
Business engagement in smallholder agriculture: Developing the mango sector in Dong Thap province Aug 2014 William Smith ODI
Cambodian Agriculture in Transition : Opportunities and Risks May 2015 World Bank Group Australian Aid, World Bank
Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture Experiences Sep 2014 Youjin B. Chung, Celso Marcatto, Ruchi Tripathi,... ActionAid
