Showing 1 to 10 of 49 Results
Typesort descending Title Date of Publication Author(s) Organization(s)
Assessing agricultural market integration of Cambodia within and beyond ASEAN Jun 2019 Ajmani, Manmeet; Joshi, Pramod Kumar; Roy, Devesh... International Food Policy Research Institute (...
Private Investment in Agriculture: Why it's essential, and what's needed Sep 2012 Erinch Sahan, Monique Mikhail Oxfam
Meaningful Action: Effective approaches to women's economic empowerment in agriculture Oct 2014 Thalia Kidder, David Bright, Caroline Green Oxfam
ASEAN, SAARC, and the indomitable China in food trade: A gravity model analysis of trade patterns Mar 2020 Manmeet Ajmani, Vishruta Choudhary, Avinash... International Food Policy Research Institute (...
Breaking barriers in agriculture financing: Enhancing the resilience of agriculture value chains through interlinked inclusive financing models Mar 2019 Jane Lynn D. Capacio, Emmanuel S. De Dios, and... University of the Philippines Center for...
Investing in Women Initiative Design Document Sep 2015 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)
A Win-win Situation for Both Farmers and Private Companies: A case study of tea marketing in Phu Tho, Vietnam Dec 2013 Vredeseilanden (VECO)
Angkor Harvest: A Case Study on Responsible Investment into Mango in Cambodia Dec 2021 Ian Jones (Consultant), Erin Sweeney and Chrissa... Grow Asia
Cambodian Agriculture in Transition : Opportunities and Risks May 2015 World Bank Group Australian Aid, World Bank
Cracking the Nut: Increasing palm oil yields and market access for smallholders Jun 2013 Daniel Hazman IDH
