Inclusive Business Models: Lessons from Grow Asia's Experience

Ananda Partners
Edited by Grow Asia

In Grow Asia’s surveys of its 480+ partners across the region, partners have consistently identified three areas of value by engaging in the Grow Asia network: to have a voice in policy dialogue with governments, to meet new potential partners with whom to work, and - consistently and most importantly - to learn. In particular, the private sector’s focus is on understanding the ‘how to’ elements of project delivery.

This study’s aim is exactly that. The work distills Grow Asia’s learnings from the multiple Inclusive Business (IB) value chains with which the regional network has been involved. It is built upon the experience of seven consultants funded by iBAN, who worked directly with Grow Asia’s Working Groups (WGs) in the preparation, design, and implementation of their IB projects. In addition, the study also draws lessons from independent case studies commissioned by Grow Asia of mature value chain projects in our network. These are long-standing projects for which a clearer picture of what practically works and what hinders IB value chains have emerged.