Measuring Women’s Economic Empowerment: A Compendium of Selected Tools

Mayra Buvinic Megan O’Donnell James C. Knowles & Shelby Bourgault
Data 2X & Center for Global Development


This Measuring Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) Compendium selects and reviews tools for measuring women’s economic empowerment (or disempowerment) grouped into 20 population monitoring tools (PM) and 15 monitoring and evaluation tools (M&E). The main objective is practical: helping readers both understand how different measurement tools are built and select among the most well-known and widely (cross-culturally) applicable tools for different purposes. “Tools” in this context are defined as resources composed of conceptual frameworks, sets of indicators and/or indexes that are designed to support the measurement of WEE outcomes and track their progress over time. The compendium includes: 1) an overview of existing WEE measurement tools; 2) systematic evaluation of the tools’ technical content; and 3) a structured inventory of the tools’ indicators.

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