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Gender-smart agriculture: An agenda for Gender and Socially Inclusive Climate Resilient Agriculture
Rising temperatures and more extreme weather associated with climate change are expected to exacerbate existing social and gender inequalities across the globe (Dankelman, 2010; IPCC, 2014). In a 2°C (or more) world, gender equality will need to encompass women and men’s increased resilience and reduce their vulnerability to climate change. Women’s agency in relation to climate resilience is the ability to access and act on (make choices based on) information and to participate in decisions that affect their lives (Huyer, Gumucio, et al., 2021; Kabeer, 1999). This paper reviews the evolution towards gender equality and empowerment in relation to climate resilient agriculture of the agenda of the Gender and Social Inclusion Flagship (GSI) of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
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