Showing 61 to 70 of 76 Results
Type Title Date of Publication Author(s) Organization(s)sort descending
The Sustainable Cocoa Production Program - Indonesia Aug 2013 Swisscontact
Collateral in Cocoa Farmer Financing Sep 2015 Swisscontact
Could a Flexible Overdraft Facility Work for Cocoa Farmers? Sep 2016 Swisscontact
Land Financing for Cocoa Farmers Sep 2015 Swisscontact
Access to Finance for Cocoa Farmers in Indonesia Mar 2016 Swisscontact, SECO
Inflection Point - Unlocking growth in the era of farmer finance Apr 2016 Laura Goldman, Michael Tsan, Radoslava... The MasterCard Foundation, USAID, Dalberg,...
Food Sustainability - A Guide to Private Sector Action Sep 2008 United Nations Global Compact Office
Breaking barriers in agriculture financing: Enhancing the resilience of agriculture value chains through interlinked inclusive financing models Mar 2019 Jane Lynn D. Capacio, Emmanuel S. De Dios, and... University of the Philippines Center for...
Guide to the Use of Digital Financial Services in Agriculture Feb 2016 Christine Martin, Nandini Harihareswara ,... USAID
Sustainable Landscapes - Investor Mapping in Asia and Strategic Action Plan Dec 2015 USAID LEAF, Dalberg
