Showing 11 to 20 of 76 Results
Type Title Date of Publicationsort descending Author(s) Organization(s)
The Sustainable Cocoa Production Program - Indonesia Aug 2013 Swisscontact
The sustainable Coffee Program Vietnam Oct 2013 IDH, Technoserve
Agri-Fin Mobile Case Study - The Products 2014 Mercy Corps
Mainstreaming Sustainable Palm Oil 2014 Joko Arif IDH
Roadmap for Strengthening Forest and Farm Producer Organizations - Policy Brief 2014 FAO, IIED, IUCN
Indonesia: A business case for sustainable coffee production Jan 2014 IDH, Technoserve
Beyond the Pioneer - Getting Inclusive Businesses to Scale Apr 2014 Harvey Koh, Nidhi Hegde, Ashish Karamchandani Omidyar Network, The MasterCard Foundation, Shell...
Lending a Hand - How Direct-to-Farmer Finance Providers Reach Smallholders Oct 2014 Laura Goldman, Serena Guarnaschelli, Dean Segell Initiative for Smallholder Finance, Dalberg
Gender and Climate Finance 2015 Liane Schalatek and Smita Nakhooda Heinrich Boll Stiftung
Agri-Fin Mobile Case Study - Lessons Learned on Service Delivery, Marketing and Capacity Building 2015 Mercy Corps
