Showing 51 to 60 of 76 Results
Type Title Date of Publication Author(s)sort descending Organization(s)
Thai Wah: A Case Study on Responsible Investment into Cassava in Cambodia Mar 2022 Erin Sweeney and Chrissa Borja (Grow Asia) Grow Asia
Private Investment in Agriculture: Why it's essential, and what's needed Sep 2012 Erinch Sahan, Monique Mikhail Oxfam
White Paper: Unlocking Inclusive Finance for Agriculture-Based MSMEs in Southeast Asia Nov 2022 Grow Asia Grow Asia
AVPN x Grow Asia Networking Lunch on Sustainable Agriculture: Uplifting Smallholder Farmers in Southeast Asia Aug 2019 Grow Asia
ASEAN Guidelines and Action Plan on Responsible Investment in Food, Agriculture and Forestry: Workshop on Operationalizing the Action Plan Sep 2019 Grow Asia, the International Institute for...
Beyond the Pioneer - Getting Inclusive Businesses to Scale Apr 2014 Harvey Koh, Nidhi Hegde, Ashish Karamchandani Omidyar Network, The MasterCard Foundation, Shell...
Amru Rice: A Case Study on Responsible Investment into Rice in Cambodia Mar 2022 Ian Jones (Consultant), Erin Sweeney and Chrissa... Grow Asia
Breaking barriers in agriculture financing: Enhancing the resilience of agriculture value chains through interlinked inclusive financing models Mar 2019 Jane Lynn D. Capacio, Emmanuel S. De Dios, and... University of the Philippines Center for...
Mainstreaming Sustainable Palm Oil 2014 Joko Arif IDH
Inflection Point - Unlocking growth in the era of farmer finance Apr 2016 Laura Goldman, Michael Tsan, Radoslava... The MasterCard Foundation, USAID, Dalberg,...
