Khmer Agri-Food SMEs and the Retail Chain in Cambodia

Francesca Puricelli, edited by Grow Asia
Cambodia Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture (CPSA)

Agriculture, accounting for approximately 25% of the Cambodia's GDP, is key for the economic and social development of the country. While the number SMEs sourcing, producing and retailing agri-food products locally is growing, most are still facing significant hurdles along the value chain, especially around gaining access to market.

To address this challenge, on 27 November 2019 the Cambodia Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture (CPSA) - Grow Asia's Country Partnership in Cambodia - organized a business-to business match-makinging event, extending the invitation to Khmer Agri-Food SMEs and local Retail Chains. In total, 130 participants joined the event in Phnom Penh. This Outcome Report documents the insights shared during this event and highlights partnerships that emerged as a result of this exercise.

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