Showing 61 to 70 of 76 Results
Type Title Date of Publication Author(s)sort descending Organization(s)
Lending a Hand - How Direct-to-Farmer Finance Providers Reach Smallholders Oct 2014 Laura Goldman, Serena Guarnaschelli, Dean Segell Initiative for Smallholder Finance, Dalberg
Gender and Climate Finance 2015 Liane Schalatek and Smita Nakhooda Heinrich Boll Stiftung
Designing Digital Financial Services for Smallholder Families - Lessons from Zimbabwe, Senegal, Rwanda and Cambodia Oct 2015 Max Mattern, Michael Tarazi CGAP
Assessment Report - Mobile Solutions for Coconut Sugar Producers in Bengkulu Province Apr 2016 Mercy Corps Grow Asia, Unilever
Impact in the Forests May 2016 Nigel Dudley, Paul Chatterton, Elisabeth Cramer,... WWF, Climate-KIC, Ennovent, Impact Hub,...
Smallholder AgriTech Business Models: High-potential models emerging in Southeast Asia Jul 2020 Paul Voutier Grow Asia
IFC and McCormick & Company: A Case Study on Responsible Supply Chain Financing in Viet Nam Jul 2022 Pham Hong Hanh and Giang Vu, Consultants; Erin... Grow Asia
Patamar Capital: A Case Study on Responsible Investment into Big Tree Farms Apr 2022 Pham Hong Hanh and Giang Vu, Consultants; Erin... Grow Asia
Crop Insurance: Challenges and Opportunities for Myanmar Dec 2018 Pranav Sethaputra Grow Asia
Agricultural Lending - A How To Guide 2015 Rachel Freeman, Hans Dellien, Patrick Starrr IFC
