Showing 31 to 40 of 49 Results
Type Title Date of Publication Author(s) Organization(s)sort descending
Assessing agricultural market integration of Cambodia within and beyond ASEAN Jun 2019 Ajmani, Manmeet; Joshi, Pramod Kumar; Roy, Devesh... International Food Policy Research Institute (...
ASEAN, SAARC, and the indomitable China in food trade: A gravity model analysis of trade patterns Mar 2020 Manmeet Ajmani, Vishruta Choudhary, Avinash... International Food Policy Research Institute (...
AgriFin Mobile Project - Product Development and Defining the Stages of Bundling Sep 2016 Mercy Corps
Rapid Market Assessment of Five Agricultural Value Chains in Myanmar (June - August 2021) Oct 2021 Min Thu Aung and Naw Rosy Love Myanmar Agriculture Network
MAN Pulses & Oilseeds Working Group: Summary of Learning Workshops Mar 2020 Pulses & Oilseed Working Group Myanmar Agriculture Network (MAN)
Rapid Market Assessment of Five Agricultural Value Chains in Myanmar (June - August 2021) - Burmese Oct 2021 Min Thu Aung and Naw Rosy Love Myanmar Agriculture Network (MAN)
Snapshot Briefing: Rapid Market Assessments of Five Agricultural Value Chains in Myanmar Jul 2020 Myanmar Agriculture Network (MAN), AgriProFocus (...
Business engagement in smallholder agriculture: Developing the mango sector in Dong Thap province Aug 2014 William Smith ODI
Meaningful Action: Effective approaches to women's economic empowerment in agriculture Oct 2014 Thalia Kidder, David Bright, Caroline Green Oxfam
Private Investment in Agriculture: Why it's essential, and what's needed Sep 2012 Erinch Sahan, Monique Mikhail Oxfam
