Showing 1 to 10 of 40 Results
Typesort descending Title Date of Publication Author(s) Organization(s)
ASEAN Learning Series: to strengthen the role of agricultural cooperatives in addressing the challenges and opportunities in AEC Jun 2016 AFOSP ASEAN Foundation ASEAN Foundation
Public Private Partnerships for Agriculture in Eastern Indonesia - A Comparative Study of the Beef Cattle and Cocoa Industries Nov 2015 World Bank
ASEAN Roadmap for enhancing the role of agriculture cooperative in Agricultural global value chain 2018-2025 Oct 2018 AFOSP ASEAN Foundation
Improving Market access for Smallholder Rice Producers in the Philippines Mar 2016 Ekkehard Kürschner, Daniel Baumert, Christine... BEAF of GIZ, SLE
Driving AgriTech Adoption: Insights from Southeast Asia's Farmers Mar 2020 Paul Voutier Edited by Grow Asia
Global Capital, Local Concessions: A Data-Driven Examination of Land Tenure Risk and Industrial Concessions in Emerging Market Economies Jul 2016 Ramon de Leon, Tin Garcia, Gordon Kummel, Lou... The Munden Project, Rights and Resources...
Lending a Hand - How Direct-to-Farmer Finance Providers Reach Smallholders Oct 2014 Laura Goldman, Serena Guarnaschelli, Dean Segell Initiative for Smallholder Finance, Dalberg
Farmer to Farmer video extension for cassava pest management in the SE Asia region Jul 2016 Le Ngoc Lan, Louis Parker, Kris Wyckhuys CIAT
Sustainable smallholder agriculture - feeding the world, protecting the planet Feb 2012 Rosemary Vargas-Lundius IFAD
Angkor Harvest: A Case Study on Responsible Investment into Mango in Cambodia Dec 2021 Ian Jones (Consultant), Erin Sweeney and Chrissa... Grow Asia
