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Gender Analytical Framework for Assessing Value Chains
Based on interviews with key partners in Ghana, and a working group meeting with key Enhanced Nutrition and Value Chains (ENVAC) team members. This product was developed in partnership with RBD VAM, as part of the study, Gender and Market Analysis: Empowering Women in West African Food Markets, and CO Ghana to support the development of the planned ENVAC project.
Focussing on what information is most relevant to identify gender dynamics and assess empowerment, as well as identifying and analyzing key indicators of status and empowerment among producers interacting with the value chains. This toolset provides a framework for mapping of gender roles, responsibilities, challenges and capacities throughout the value chains for the three ENVAC target commodities—cowpeas, soy beans, millet.
It includes guidance for collecting (1) preliminary key information on gender aspects of commodity value chains, (2) integrating gender and empowerment into questionnaires and data collection on gender dynamics and empowerment in value chains, and (3) working with a gender-responsive analysis plan.
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